Monday, April 2, 2007


Nope – no DNA test needed to tell Alex is my son (and his grandfather’s grandson for that matter). He crawls in bed with me at 6:00 this morning and was in such a chatty mood. He covered just about everything in his 6-year-old world. We talked about school, anticipation for Easter to arrive, to how he thinks he’s ready for a new bike. My first thought was, hmm, maybe I should start him with a blog so he has somewhere to vent all of these opinions/musings. He goes on to tell me about his weekend with his dad and how it is “funner” with his cousin Trinity there. I tell him that “funner” is not a word and he should instead say that it is more fun with Trinity there. Rather than just taking my wisdom and adhering to my knowledge of the English language he argues with me!!!! Mrs. Lee says it’s a word….I’ve ALWAYS used that word…..It’s in the dictionary…..this little argument went of for about five minutes until I realized that it’s 6:00a.m. and I’m arguing with my 6-year-old son regarding the fictional word “funner”!

So why is the post titled mini-me? I had to laugh when driving to work this morning because I could think of so many times where I knew I was wrong but had to find some way to justify my train of thought. I totally get this from my dad! We’ll admit when we’re wrong, but will usually follow it with some far fetched reasoning. For example, the “funner” conversation would have ended by Alex explaining that “funner” is slang and if 24/7 could be added to the Webster’s dictionary, then why not “funner” (I’m not saying this is so, I’m just making a point to our arrogance) He destined for a life in politics or law…..whatever it is, it’s certainly not a grammar teacher.


Tracy said...

It's too hard to read that pink writing...(sigh)

Amber said...

You should change your blog name to "Tea time with Amanda"

Your Alex story made me giggle! Too cute!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

okay, what happened? are you in the middle of moody blog changes? i liked the other one too, don't let these two harass you:-)

very cute story. i see my grandfather in my dad, i see my dad in myself, and i see myself in my son...why do the negative traits pass so genetically perfectally?

Lori said...

How cute! Alex is funny!
I always call Megan and Derek Mini Me's.
Come check out my blog I did one of those slide shows of our Easter weekend!

Is that the Easter photo you had taken of Alex on your side bar?

Just Mom said...

Hey...Nice new template.

I actually saw this one and thought about using it. The graphic in the top left corner is actually Arabic script (my Dad is actually Pakistani) and the translation is something like, "In the name of God, I begin" (kind of like "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.")

Anyway, I like your new look.

Tracy said...

COOL...I can read it now. My 5 year old TALKS ALL THE TIME!! He asks question after question after question. Half the time I get confused myself.