Thursday, April 12, 2007


I’ve been tagged by Aisha so here we go! These are my thoughts on being a real mum. They may not all apply to you, but they pretty much describe me. (Please don’t call social services after reading my list)

Real Mums…..

Are more concerned with building a “home” rather than having a “house” for her child

Can no longer remember what color her refrigerator is because it’s plastered with her child’s artwork

Are okay with hearing “I want to live with my daddy” because it just affirms she’s doing her job disciplining and creating boundaries for her child

Don't understand the concept behind dry-clean only baby cloths - or children's cloths for that matter

Will read “Walter the Farting Dog” just ONE more before shutting off the lights because she loves to hear her child giggle

Have DRAGGED her KICKING AND SCREAMING child out of a store before because he/she really didn’t need another toy or a candy bar

Have purchased a toy or a candy bar for her child while shopping because her back still hurts from the week before when she dragged her child kicking and screaming child from the store

Finds a bowl of cereal and yogurt a perfectly suitable meal for supper

Keep deodorant in her car because she sometimes forgets to put some on before leaving the house.

Has had co-workers point out that she has spit-up on her blouse because she was completely oblivious to it

Sold a box of parenting books written by “EXPERTS on EBay for $20 because they’re a load of CRAP

And finally…

REAL mums sometime wonder what it would be like if she weren’t a mum, but WOULD NOT trade being a mum for the world


Amber said...

Loved the back one...too funny!

Lori said...

I loved your reasons. Very good Amanda.

I love your last one best we wouldn't be a mum for anything in the world.

Heidi Jo Comes said...

you already know this, but i think you are an amazing mom. i knew it before this list. your son is a very blessed young man, even if most days he doesn't know it.

Julie said...

Very true....and being a Mum is the greatest gift in the world!

Just Mom said...

THESE ARE GREAT! You had me rolling on the floor holding my sides because they ache. I totally can relate.

Tracy said...

Those are GREAT! I have been tagged but I can't think of one that you guys haven't already mentioned. I am not very creative that is for sure!

~ Amy ~ said...

Great description!

Hey, I love your new picture!

Andrea said...

Love it! They're all GREAT!!