Thursday, February 22, 2007

Last night

We were on our way to church last night and I got so sick. It started with a headache and then I just felt so hot and weak. Well, I won't go into the details, but we ended up turing around and going home. Since I didn't feel like cooking, we swung through McDonald's drive-thru, set up a picnic in the living room, and I crawled to the couch leaving Alex to eat his cheeseburger while he watched Cars. When bedtime came, Alex apparently didn't feel that he received the attention he deserved and demanded that I build Lego's with him. After explaining to him that mommy didn't feel good and it was bedtime, he turns around and yells "I'M TELLING PASTOR BRUCE ON YOU" and stops off to his room. It was hard not to crack up laughing.


Amber said...

Oh too funny! I'd love to know what Pastor Bruce's repsonce would be!

Amanda said...

If he wasn't in church last night, I actually thought about letting Alex call him!

Lori said...

Oh bummer. It is no fun to be sick.
You don't want to be sitting in church and get sick though.
Hope you got rested up and feel better.

Just Mom said...

I've met Pastor Bruce. I'm pretty sure he would have had a funny retort had your son called him.

I hope you're feeling better.

Heidi Jo Comes said...

Your son and my son could pout together. Nic LOVES to build Legos with him and he and his dad do an awesome job of it. But on the many nights when daddy isn't able to do it with him he asks which I usually find an excuse not to. He thinks I'm a bad mom most of the time.