Friday, February 2, 2007


Another reason that I wanted to start a blog is because my son Alex says the cutest things at times and I always try to write them down, but I must confess that I do not do the best job at it. is his latest one.

We recently moved into a duplex-type home. I have a two bedroom apartment with a basement and there are two college kids who rent the upstairs level. Well, the college kids moved a few weeks ago and we could hear them shuffling things around. Here is the conversation

Alex: Mom....what is that noise?
Me: Those are the two guys who live upstairs
Alex: (With a confused look on his face) God and Jesus?

HA! Kids!


Amber said...

LOL! Don't you just love the way kids think?!?! I love how everything is SO simple in their world!

Anonymous said...

He has got to keep you on your toes!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

found you through amber, blame her for my intrustion:-) i wouldn't have commented but that is too adoreable. kudos for you that he would even think that way, some kids wouldn't have a clue.

Amanda said...

Thanks Heidi! Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing anything right for my child. However, when he says things like that, it really makes me realize that some of the values I'm trying to teach him are sinking in!