Thursday, June 7, 2007

Taking A Break

Anyone who knows me knows that I can be sort of a political junkie. There was always political jargon around my family growing up and I guess it just sort of became who I am. Life experiences added to my passion for politics. However, after getting in a VERY heated argument with what could possibly be the most ignorant person walking on US soil, I decided that I perhaps....need to take a step back. Seriously - this guy was one of those people who really made me question whether or not EVERYONE who is a US citizen should be given the right to vote. But, I knew this guy had no idea to what he was talking about, yet I continues an argument with him - now really, who's the idiot here? Thus, I decided that for my own mental health, perhaps a break from what we know as our political spectrum would be a good idea. Plus, my best friend Stacey threatened to hit me in the knee caps with a 2x4 if I didn't "cool it".
I never realized how difficult it is to stay away for politics until I've actively tried to. We are bombarded with rants for both political arenas. I remember when there use to be a "political season" where you would rally for the person of your choice, put signs in your front yard, bumper stickers on your car - etc. Now with more than a year before election time, we already know who the front runners for both parties are and what "small man/woman" can compete with the money that is backing these politicians now?
Okay, I'm getting off course. I guess I'm just a little stunned and surprised to how I never seen this before I tried stepping back. How can anyone say "you know, I never really follow politics". Huh? Do you own a TV/radio/glasses...anything?

PS - I'm surprised anyone can follow my thought process when reading my post - they're so sporadic! Kudos to you all! HAHAHA


Jamie said...

I followed you completly!!

I have learned that anytime politics or hot topics are discussed and argument always gets started. I guess some people just have a hard time accepting other's views on things.

I believe in "eye for an eye" prison systems and I had someone once tell me that I was ignorant and needed to spend some time in prison....NICE HUH!!! Like he knew anything about prison....just someone who THINKS he knows everything.

See what you just made me do!! jk -I guess I agree with your post!!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

being informed, knowing the issues, VOTING the issues...those are the really important things.

sure it's nice to try and sway someone over to your way of thinking, but i don't know if it's ever been done in history! so, save your breathe and stomach lining for something that you might actually have a chance with.

doesn't mean it's easy to do though:-)


Amber said...

AH...yes politics! I LOVE talking politics. It was and always will be a huge part of my life. My mom has worked for Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin and Tim Johnson. I’ve worked for Tom Daschle...Yes; you could say that it’s in our blood!
Corey, on the other hand, didn’t grow up with talking about hot issues and politics. So he absolutely hates it when I talk about politics with people. He doesn’t understand that it’s just a conversation and not personal jabs.
I don’t care what party you support as you long as you are an informed voter, that’s what matters!

Amanda said...

Yes, I agree with you guys! The conversation I had with this guy didn't even get heated over issues - I was getting frustrated because he was arguing simple historical facts with me. It didn't even become a "i beleive in this and you beleive in that" those conversations I can have but this guy was so far off base even on historical facts that I truely didn't know someone could even argue.

Just Mom said...

For some reason, politics has gotten more personal. I think part of that is more people are turning to poltical pundits (who for ratings take jabs at their opponent), rather than trying to form their own opinions by seeking a variety of news sources. You know, taking the easy way out.

Political discussions used to be civilized. Now they can easily become heated arguments. I know; I've been in some before.

Anyway ... it looks as if we've both had it with getting heartburn over news/politics.

Kerrie said...

So....what exactly is this post about then? ;)

Amanda said...

The post was about me being surpised about how much political news there is now. I have never really realized it until I said "i'm staying away from anything political for awhile" It's everywhere and it's all personal jabs. I've been thinking about how much politics have changed in recent years.

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

It usually is the ignorant ones that want to argue and it's hard to give them the facts when they are so ignorant!

Dawn said...

Oh, do I ever agree that there are people who should not vote! While I can't understand how anyone can disagree with my opinion (LOL) it truly irks me when people are voting and have no idea of the facts/reasons/consequences of that vote.

And if I had my way, the amount of time spent campaigning, and the amount of money spent campaigning would both be regulated.