Wednesday, June 13, 2007

No More Cash

I bought yet another Johnny Cash CD and was listening to it in the car the other day. It's a live cd - but it's Johnny Cash so one just can't go wrong with Cash right? WRONG!

Mr. Cash let out the word mother f**ker!!! Yep - with my son sitting nestled in his car seat, the profanity filled the car like a cloudy puff of smoke. I looked in the rear mirror to see if he noticed Johnny's nasty potty mouth. He just kept starring out the window admiring the beauty that SD is. Whew, I thought - he didn't hear it. The song ended and without missing a beat, Alex looked at me and said "Mom, I bet Johnny Cash's mom was REALLY mad at him for saying that naughty word. He probably got a spanking". Yes Alex, I'm sure that he did!


Dawn said...

That is surprising, I would have expected it to be fine for kids, too. What a great reaction from Alex though, shows how well Mom is teaching him.

Jamie said...

That is a good comment from Alex!

It doesn't matter what kids are doing. If a bad word comes out they always seem to hear it!

Amber said...

Funny you should mention Johnny Cash. I downloaded (or would that be uploaded?!?!) a bunch of his songs onto my ipod last night!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

i HATE it when an artist does that...who DOES that appeal to? it doesn't up his cool factor with me- yuck. not that i was a raging johhny cash fan- even less of one now.

gotta say, stick with artists like tobymac, mercy me...etc. you won't be unpleasantly surprised there.

Amanda said...

Heidi - I don't know if he wanted to up his cool factor - I think it probably had something to do with the amount of pills he was popping at the time. What's up with the label (who later dropped Cash after he made them MILLIONS of dollars) for leaving it? It's a means of exploitation and selling albums.

But I do mercy me!!!!

Kerrie said...

You're lucky - I imagine Nathan would have said something along the lines of 'OH! I get it - you can only say fu@# in a song.'

If you read my blog - you'll know that he's been known to rhyme word with duck.

Karenkool said...

HAHAHA--that was too funny (your son's comment and line of thinking).

A mom said...

Smart kid!

Tracy said...

Dawson would have repeated that word in a heartbeat. Great reaction from Alex!