Monday, July 2, 2007

Relaxing Weekend

We had a very relaxing weekend. Alex was a little sunburned after spending Friday at the lake with his daycare group so Saturday was spent indoors for the most part. We did get out of the house Saturday night to see Ratatouille and I will give this movie 5 stars. It was so funny, heartwarming, was the first movie that I've been to in a long time were the audience actually applauded in the end. Go and see it! Alex and I also finally finished the Star Wars lego play station game....YES! I'm down on the play station but was totally addicted to this game. Other than that, I did some homework, did some cleaning, and did some sleeping. What a great weekend!

Out of the boredom came deep thoughts with big Al. We were sitting outside on Sunday when he looked at me and said "mom, I'm so glad that I'm not made out of chocolate". Hmmmm - I had so many questions on so many levels about this one.


Frazzled Farm Wife said...

My kids beg me to play playstaion games with them but I am soooooo bad. The only one I like is "Guitar Hero". It is so much fun. Good for you spending time playing the game with him!

Lori said...

I'm so glad that you had a nice relaxing weekend.

We did much of the same things around here....clean, nap, etc.
We were so glad to finally have a weekend at home. UHH! It was so nice.

Sorry Alex got so burned.

Heidi Jo Comes said...

well obviously because he would melt, but probably not before his mom ate his head off!

Jamie said...

Wouldn't you just love to be a fly on the insides of our kids head. Where do they come up with some of these things.

Glad you had a nice weekend!!

Kerrie said...

Well he seems to be as smooth as chocolate - you know, making a name for himself selling gum to the chumps. :)

Amanda said...

Kerrie - he sooooo does not need any encouragment

Just Mom said...

A kid made of chocolate... Where does he come up with this stuff? What a darling little guy.