Sunday, March 25, 2007

Whew - What a Weekend

We actually had a pretty uneventful weekend, but it still went by pretty fast. For those of you who don't know the new PS2 rule in the house, the PS2 is a weekend only toy. I wanted to have Alex's pictures taken on Friday night so I picked him up from the community center, dressed him up in his Sunday best, argued with him for 20 minutes on tucking in his shirt, and off we were. The photographer was great - she new just how to get Alex to smile! After having a 50-minute conversation about burbs and other potty humor, Alex was about in tears from laughing so hard. In her book, she even tilted him "Farty Alex". Alex and I then went out for supper since he looked so nice. No dirt, no mud, no food on the face - it was defiantly a moment to capture. Saturday, however, it was one of those days for him. He had the PS2 taken away for the morning after about 10 minutes for talking back which pretty much set the tone for the day. Have you ever had one of those days were you don't even want to leave the house with the fruits of your womb? Thankfully Sunday was a much better day. He played Veggie Tales PS2 game before going to Sunday School and he even thought Veggie Tales would be an appropriate substitute for church but we went anyway. After lunch, I did play Lego Star Wars with him and then we were outside for the afternoon. We played baseball, made our best attempt at skateboarding, rode bike, and walked down to Pizza Hut for supper since he has a bunch of those book-it slips to "cash in". While waiting for our food, we had a pretty interesting conversation. On the paper place mats, there were a set of questions that I thought would be fun to ask Alex but I not sure how to interpret his answers -

Mom - If you were a wild animal, which animal would you be?

Alex - A bear so I can sleep lots

Mom - If you had a million dollars, what would you buy?

Alex - A house and a car

Mom - A house and a car? Would you live by yourself?

Alex - Yes

Mom - Where would mom live?

Alex - Mom, why do you think I got the car? I don't even have a drivers licence!

Mom - (moving on) If you were the president for the day, what would you do?

Alex - I would destroy the city

Mom - the city of Madison? What about me?

Alex - Mom - you're living in the car!

Mom - What about your friends, What about my friends?

Alex - Well everybody would be safe expert *Bob (not real name) because he said that I have a baby backpack

Mom - (moving on again) If you had one wish, what would you wish for?

Alex - Root Beer
*Side note - I wouldn't let Alex have root beer with his pizza

Mom - If you were isolated on a deserted island, what one possession would you bring?

Alex - your cell phone so I can call you to tell you I'm on the island.

Such logic!


Amber said...

Alex's mom in the blue jacket, Gosh, I thought Alex would have said he would buy something REALLY NICE for his girlfriend, Shayla with his million dollars.

Lori said...

Those are cute responses that Alex had! I saw you guys leave Pizza Hut last night. I was working.

We all have days like that with our kids.
Like I said before with the PS2 we set time limits, and yes we ground him from it too.
It sounds like you had a fun time outdoors.

Heidi Jo Comes said...

"Have you ever had one of those days where you don't even want to leave the house with the fruits of your womb?"

My banana, grapefruit, strawberry and peach keep me confined regularly:-)

Loved that line Amanda! Yes, we do have those days when you swear you should call a priest and have an excorsim because the sweet angel you gave birth to is now demon possessed!!

You are such a good mom!

Amanda said...

LOL - Heidi I'm laughing at your comment. I'm so glad that I'm not alone. Evidence that God has a sense of humor was obvious in the fact that it rained on Saturday as well so it was just mom, Alex, and the PS2!

PS – I swear that I did see Alex’s head do a 360 that day! HA

Amber – that little girl cracks me up!! I was searching though my memory bank all day on Sunday trying to figure out where she knew Alex from! She is such a little social butterfly! And yes, Alex did buy me a car to live in but not even a single thing for Shayla! If I were her, I would defiantly put my foot down on that one!

Tracy said...

Cute answers!! I too, saw those questions at Pizza Hut last week and didn't even think to ask my son. Maybe because I was afraid of the answers!!

Just Mom said...

Root Beer. I Love It! Your son is so funny.

Yes, Amanda, there are days I'm pulling my hair out because of Alex -- and he's only 4. Lord help me when he enters middle school.

Amanda said...

Aisha - I even had a typo on that part. The question was "If you had one wish, what would you wish for?" And his answer was root beer. I think it has something to do with the fact that he wanted root beer with his pizza but I made him drink some milk.

Just Mom said...

The fact that he responded with "root beer" still makes me laugh.