Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Puzzled Mom

My son woke up yesterday complaining that his leg hurt. I usually take his aches and pains with a grain of salt since his is a bit of a hypochondriac, but he kept limping on it throughout the day so I’m going to take him to the doctor this morning. He said that his knees and hips hurt. This if coming from a boy who at the age of four told me that he couldn’t go to preschool because he had arthritis. He is an old man trapped in a 6-year-old body. We had to wait for the dr. apt, however, since the school sent off the boy’s basketball team this morning. The fire truck swung by the school so the elementary kids could wave and wish them good luck. Alex and I bought some “spirit beads” yesterday and Alex said “mom, the basketball team is playing far away….I think California but can we go”? California or bust baby!


Heidi Jo Comes said...

Seeing that your last post was about a wrestling tournement it makes one wonder if the aches are a result of that...but you already admitted that he isn't much of a fighter. Hope it's nothing! Growing pains maybe.

Are you headed out to Rapid? I so wish we could go, what fun!!

Just Mom said...

I think you both should head to California for some R&R.

Best of luck with the doctor's appointment.

Lori said...

Hopefully his legs hurting are just growing pains. Let me know what you find out at the doctor.

That was soo exciting to see K-5 out in front of the school sending off the basketball team this morning!!!!
Derek was funny this morning. He said, "We have to hurry mom! the basketball team is coming at 8:20 and we are sending the boys off!"
Megan, Lane, and I also went outside in our driveway. It was cool to see the fire truck and police cars and caravan. Megan kept saying something about a parade and candy. I had to laugh!