Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Update from last post

Dr. Apt - $60
X-Rays - $200
Look on mom's face when doctor tells her that it's probably just growing pains - Priceless!


Amber said...

Well the same thing happened to us with Shayla's ankle. She limped and limped around on it. Finally I took her in and they did x-rays and's just a sprain.
The good thing is that the appoinment just cost me $20 and the x-rays $70!

Lori said...


Well at least you know that it isn't something wrong.

Just Mom said...

I hear ya.

Andrea said...

I'm feeling your pain. I just took my daughter in yesterday because she's been walking on the side of her foot for a week because her heel hurts so bad. She doesn't know what she did. Even though we previously lived there, they no longer had her in the system. So I had to be there at 2:30 to complete registration, 2:45 x-rays, and 3:15 doctor. All was going well until we got up to the doctor's office at 3:15 and they said the doctor's not in. (My reaction - Priceless) I think I just stood there with my mouth hanging open for awhile with a blank look on my face. You've got to be kidding me! They were trying to get a hold of me but couldn't because they didn't have my number. Funny, because I gave the lady my address and phone number the day before when I made the appointment. So they said if we have a chair and wait, they will sneak her in with another doctor. So 1 hour 15 minutes later, we saw a doctor. He said it's only a bad bone bruise, no breaks or fractures. So that's how I spent 2.5 hours of my day yesterday on a gorgeous afternoon.

Appointment $15
X-Rays ?? (we'll find out later)

By the way, found your blog through Amber.

Amanda said...

I feel your pain Andrea! On one hand, I was so relieved to hear that nothing was broken or fractured - but after spending the morning at the clinic, $200 in medical fees and lost time at work I just wanted to see him walk out with an air brace on his leg or something so it looked worth our time!!!!

Andrea said...

That's exactly how I felt! All that and nothing!! I wanted something to show for it...well, sort of! He did give her some inserts to put into her shoe to help alleviate some of the pain. Does that count?! :)

Just Mom said...

Just read your comment on my blog post about the asian lady beetle. You crack me up.

Brandi said...

Uhhh. I remember getting those growing pains when I was younger and it wasn't fun. My Dad (aka Dr Dave) would always tell me they were "just growing pains" and would give me tylenol to help the pain. I never thought he knew what he was talking about, but I guess he was right. I turned out ok...but could have been a little shorter. ha.

Heidi Jo Comes said...

Such a tough blessing to be thankful for huh? So glad they are 'okay' but so bummed that it took $$$ to find out!