Thursday, May 17, 2007

One of those days

Last night was one of those nights that I swear I saw Alex’s head spin 360 degrees! I picked him up early and I anticipated an excited child who was eager to spend more quality time with his mom rather than being at the rec. center. Nope – I DRAGGED him to the car with him screaming that he wasn’t done playing basketball. I explained that I would be more than willing to play – but according to him I’m not very good.

So we made it home and he immediately was sent into a time-out. He’s crying and he knows that time-out doesn’t start until he’s quiet but he felt the need to get one more jab in – with the most determined voice a six-year-old can conjure, he says “I’m going to write a book someday and it’s going to be called God doesn’t like moms!!”

At least his goals of being an author are more ambitious than those of becoming a pirate. I wonder if he’ll dedicate it to me. Ah, the joys of motherhood.


Lori said...

OH don't ya just love days like those.

I suppose he was upset that he didn't get to play at the community center with his friends.

You aren't the only one. Mine get mad at me too. Then they say, they like dad better and etc.

Just Mom said...

Oh, I get "You mean" when I have to put Alex in a time out. Sure I feel guilty, but then I remember I'm just doing my job.

Tracy said...

Oh they days where the kids don't like us for being "a mom"

Do are doing a great job!!

Amanda said...

He has apparently given up on the "I want my dad" thing and started using God as means to hit my guilt button.

Jamie said...

I have so been there!! Gotta love those days. You would think that at some point kids would figure out that them throwing fits and crying gets them NO WHERE!

Amanda~you are such a big meanie!!

Have a good one!

Amanda said...

HA - thanks Jamie!! That's a huge complement! Meanie = good mom

I thought I could earn some merits today by allowing him to pick out a book at the book fair, but when I arrived, they were at lunch so no merits for me.

Dawn said...

Hi Amanda,
Thanks for visiting my blog. I left a reply to your comment there.

After reading this story maybe I should feel blessed that my child was only going to BUY me a book on how to be a good mom!

And yes, I've heard the mean mom comments and the "I hate you". I always figure that indicates I am doing my job.

Heidi Jo Comes said...

“I’m going to write a book someday and it’s going to be called God doesn’t like moms!!”

mom's response:

"no, He LOVES them!"

Shanley said...

Oh I love it when you have a great plan to make a special day with your kid and it BACKFIRES!!!! Good job for standing your ground! They sure know how to jab though don't they!!

Amanda said...

That actually was my response Heidi. To which he said - "no he doesn't because they're mean" That was the end of our conversation.

He apparently moved past his nasty mood though because I again was the greatest thing since sliced bread this morning.

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

It sure can be frustrating at times--tomorrow he will want to write a book about how much he loves his mom!

Rita Loca said...

I finally found your blog! I don't know how but I lost it in my book mark!! Yeah!!