Monday, May 21, 2007

Much to say about nothing

Oh oh - someone has a case of the Monday's! I had SUCH an unproductive weekend. Alex went to visit his dad so Friday night, we gathered his belongings (and I mean virtually his entire room) and off we were to MN. On my way back, I stopped by my girlfriends house for a "quick visit" and ended chatting until 12:00a.m.! Her husband boggles at the concept that we can talk non-stop for that long, but seriously, there is rarely a gap in the conversation! Stacey is such a riot and a wonderful friend and I love her dearly.

So Saturday...I was going to finish the wallpaper project right? I slept until 11:00!! Yikes - I got up, put some sweats on, had a bowl of cereal and then I thought "well maybe I should get some homework done before the weekend is over". I must have only read a few pages before I feel BACK to sleep! I slept until 7:00p.m.! IS that even sleeping? At what point are you considered in a coma?

Oh - but the most exciting part of my weekend? I had a date on Sunday!!!! We had plans to see a movie and then go out for dinner afterwards. Okay - the date was Alex and we seen Shriek 3 and had lunch at Applebees but considered the rest of my weekend was spent sleeping, this was defiantly the high point of my weekend. The movie was good, but I think there was more adult humor that pushed the envelope at times. Alex loved the movie - of course Alex loves anything to do with "tooting" (which Shriek does quite a bit of) so it wasn't a tough sell for him. I was really surprised to see that a majority of the people at the theater were not children. There were lots of college/high school kids and adults.


Heidi Jo Comes said...

we went too, isn't it really more appropriate for adults? i mean the only funny stuff is the stuff they don't get anyway (the kids)

i love your sleep filled day. i'm sure it didn't refresh as much as you'd expect though huh...sometimes that's exactly what it feels like once you finally get sleep...a COMA.

Amanda said...

I did feel great Heidi but I suffered major guilt on Sunday. I think I'm taking Alex camping this weekend (ug) so I have these 1/2 wallpapered walls all over the house.

And yes - I thought the movie was geared more towards adults. I LOVED the high school sceen though - "well we'll let you get back to not fitting in" HA - that part cracked me up! That and "ye ole hooters" store.

Andrea said...

You're still doing homework, Amanda? Yuck!!

Gosh, all that sleeping sounds WONDERFUL! I've had a rough past week, taking at least 1 hour to fall asleep and last night about 2 1/2 hours!!! Then my father-in-law calls at 6:45 am - ARE YOU KIDDING ME???

Have fun camping! I hope it's nice weather for you guys!

Amanda said...

Yep - I just started my summer semester last Monday! WAHOO!

Jamie said...

Well, at least you caught up on some there such a thing as catching up with sleep....doubt it!

Sounds like you a great date! :)

Amanda said...

I did have a great date Jamie! But like so many dates in the past, I had to pay ;)

~ Amy ~ said...

I loved the movie too. Summer are such a go getter!!!

Just Mom said...

I love the Shrek movies because of the adult humor that's way over the heads of the kids who see it. I think it's ingenious how they added that humor so parents can have as much as their kids.

Tracy said...

You obviously needed some rest. Glad you were able to watch some zzzz's.

Lori said...

I'm glad you were able to catch up on some sleep. I hope you feel much better now.

It sounds like you had a fun date with Alex: movie and supper at Appelbee's (sounds yummy to me).
I haven't seen Shrek 3 yet, but we want to.

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

You must have been totally worn out to sleep that much. Your "date" sounds wonderful. I love Applebees!

Dawn said...

Wow! You obviously needed that sleep! Don't feel guilty, think of it as caring for your health. I am glad you had a good time with Alex. My kids love Applebees, too. And my college daughter was one of those who had to see Shrek on opening night. My middle daughter has been invited to go with a family friend, but she never set a date. Now I don't know whether to ask her about it, or just let my daughter go with some of her middle school friends.

Have fun camping!