Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Career Paths

Summer of 2006 (pre-kindergarten)
Mom - Alex, what do you want to be when you get bigger?
Alex - A doctor or a cop

Summer of 2007 (post-kindergarten)
Mom - Alex, what do you want to be when you get bigger?
Alex - A pirate

Is this what the No Child Left Behind act intended?
Oh well, either way he should be able to buy his mom a Harley Davidson some day - legality may be in question though.


~ Amy ~ said...

Well, I guess there's no question he's feeling better. What do they teach in that Pre-Kindergarten class? I bet if you ask him again after summer his answer will change again.

Just Mom said...

At least he's thinking about careers. :-)

I like it when kids use their imaginations like that.

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

A pirate huh, ask him in a few weeks, it will probably be something different.

Heidi Jo Comes said...

a pirate eh? there's bound to be some booty in that for his scurvy mama, arghhh...

Tracy said...

Dawson wants to be a NASCAR luck with that honey!!

Where does a person go to school to become a PIRATE!!??


Amanda said...

I don't know where one goes to school....but if he doesn't use up all of the money in his ESA - I'm going on a cruise!

Jamie said...

Very cute....nothing going to school for a year and realizing being a pirate is the way to go! :))

Lori said...

Cute!! Cute!!

My kids change there minds about what they want to be when they grow up to.

I think Derek has said anything from being a cop, to a teacher.